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Health & Wellbeing

The cost of workplace accidents and diseases are both physical and psychological in nature. The ultimate objective of Work Health Options is to assist our clients in preventing accidents and minimising losses to a point as low as is reasonably practical.

Health & Wellbeing

Work Health Options (WHO) is proud to offer a unique service encompassing preventative health, early intervention and support, as well as long term care for employers and their workers. We focus on proactive safety management systems and delivering our fundamentals of receiving the right care at the right time. Our solution provides best in class screening, streaming, monitoring of post injury diagnosis and treatment as well as claim management and co-ordination.

WHO has various exclusive models, supporting the above fundamentals, which is inherent in our philosophy and delivered by a holistic approach including the following:-

  • Health & Recovery
  • Preventative Health
  • Work Health & Safety
    • Occupational Hygiene
    • Environmental
  • Medical Imaging
  • GP Network
  • Injury Management