Occupational Hygiene is the science and discipline surrounding the workers’ health and wellbeing, including the environmental impact to the community at large, of processes undertaken by an employee.
Work Health Options' (WHO) services can assist by providing the following;
- Noise Monitoring
- Audiometric Testing
- Air Monitoring
- Asbestos Management
- Light Monitoring
- Explosives Audits
- Outsource WHS
Noise Monitoring
Noise Monitoring is conducted to determine the level of exposure to harmful noise through the use of machines and equipment.
The need for noise measurement and controls may have originated from previous audits conducted in the workplace, statutory compliance and redevelopment of noise management plans. Surveys are conducted to:
- Identify items of equipment and operations which have the potential to cause the exposure standard to be exceeded;
- Delineate all areas where the average sound level 85dB or the peak noise level exceeds 140 dB
- Evaluate noise exposures (LAeq,8hr) so that personnel exposed above the exposure standard can be identified; and
- Assess the adequacy of the noise reduction afforded by personal hearing protectors already in use and of alternative protectors if required.
We can conduct workplace Noise Monitoring using the following 2 methods:
- Sound Level Meter
- Personal Noise Dosimeters

On-site Audiometric Testing
Based in Sydney, our specialist consultants have 2 mobile hearing test units that can come to your site 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. We have a team of qualified Occupational Hygienists, trained against AS/NZS 1269.4:2005 Occupational Noise Management Part 4: Auditory Assessment who are able to conduct testing across shift lines in the one day. The 2011 WHS Regulations state that:
- Audiometric testing is required when workers are frequently required to wear Personal Protective Equipment to protect from hearing loss.
- Workplace audiometric testing is required every 2 years.
- New employees must be tested within 3 months of commencing employment
These workers can include plant operators, production line workers, users of noisy power tools, truck drivers, call centre operators, night club staff, emergency services workers and various other occupations.
Our consultants will come to your workplace with our sound proof booth, alleviating the need to send employees off site, therefore saving considerable costs in work time and travel arrangements. We will work with you to help scheduling staff testing and offer a full record management service and recall facility. Your last round of tests will be recorded in our database for reference at no additional charge.

Air Monitoring
WHO’s consultants have years of experience with conducting air monitoring activities for a range of dusts, fume and vapours.
Air monitoring for hazardous substances can be undertaken to:
- Ensure exposure levels are below applicable Exposure Standards
- Evaluate the exposure of contaminants in the atmosphere to workers and consider controls to reduce the hazardous air contaminants
- Assist management in making the correct decisions in terms of the implementation of suitable control measures where needed
- Identify indoor air quality levels
- Determine the effectiveness of control measures such as local exhaust ventilation to reduce or eliminate
Our team of hazardous material specialists carry out air monitoring which can include but is not limited to the following substances:
- Dust
- Lead
- Diesel
- Crystalline Silica
- Benzene
- Isocyanates
- Asbestos
Asbestos Management
Types of Asbestos activities which WHO can carry out include:
- Asbestos bulk identification survey and analysis
- Asbestos removal – Licensed to remove Class A and Class B asbestos
- Exposure air monitoring for asbestos fibers
- Clearance Certificates
Asbestos fiber air monitoring is carried out to assess and ensure the implementation of appropriate asbestos controls during the removal of friable and/or bonded asbestos containing materials.
Asbestos air testing can also be carried out to assess the occupational exposure of workers that may be affected by asbestos fibers at their place of work whilst carrying out there work related tasks.
Light Monitoring
Illumination levels can have an adverse impact on employee health, productivity and workplace health and safety.
WHO's consultants have been engaged to conduct lighting assessments across many industries including mining, industrial, manufacturing, food processing and offices. Illumination assessments are carried out by qualified professionals measuring the ‘lux’ or ‘illuminance’ of a site and comparing the results to determine compliance with the recommended levels in Australian Standard 1680.1. Interior Lighting.
Our service is delivered to both small and large business across both private and public sectors in the industrial and commercial sectors.
Explosives Audits
WHO’s consultants has over 20 years of experience with auditing explosives.
Our explosives audit can include but is not limited to:
- Ensuring that the transportation of explosives comply with relevant legislation
- Storage of explosives
- Display preparation
- Qualifications for personnel
- Procedure development, implementation and review.
Our explosives compliance specialist has the skills and knowledge to facilitate training sessions based on the clients pre-determined learning outcomes.
Outsource WHS
WHO can be your resident WHS specialist for a fraction of the cost of a full time employee. Just like our workers compensation philosophy we want to be an extension of your Health and Safety, Human Resources and Industrial Relations team.
If it isn’t practical/commercial for your business to justify the cost of an in-house WHS specialist but you have a commitment to a culture of safety, then we offer a realistic and affordable alternative. For a small monthly fee one of our highly experienced team becomes your resident WHS specialist. They’ll make sure you meet your statutory obligations under the WHS Act (and associated regulations and codes) and keep you up to date with your compliance requirements.
Whatever issues need to be tackled, your outsourced WHS specialist will use their experience and knowledge to provide practical solutions as if they were part of your in-house team. All issues will be addressed quickly to ensure that your workplace safety requirements are met and even exceeded. This means that your business can run smoothly with minimal disruption.
Your outsourced WHS Specialist will assist you in driving a commitment to a safe workplace throughout your organisation including getting involved in your health and safety meetings. They can provide you with the following support:
- Health and Safety Policies and Procedures
- Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
- Gap Analysis of existing OHS Policies and Procedures
- Hazard identification and prevention advice
- Risk Management
- Contractor Management Systems
- Safe Work Method Statement’s (SWMS)
- Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Outsourcing your WHS to an experienced consultant can deliver improved results by working together with your senior staff, whilst allowing them to more time to focus on their current role within the operation..